Parenting is one of those gigs where you frequently end up laughing. If you're like me, that's either to keep yourself from crying, or because you've lost your grip on sanity. And if you're like me, one go-to resource for comic relief is often The Science of Parenthood. So I gleefully jumped at the opportunity to interview the creative ladies behind the cartoons we all love.
In an effort to keep it real, or really random, I decided to toss a few of our FIQs (Frequently Imagined Questions) their way, and see if their lives have been shaped by some very happy accidents.
In an effort to keep it real, or really random, I decided to toss a few of our FIQs (Frequently Imagined Questions) their way, and see if their lives have been shaped by some very happy accidents.
Possibly the most important question I can ask you both:
Pirates or ninjas? Or fairies?
Norine: I’m
a total ninja fairy, able to swoop in fast and stealthy, especially when the
Tooth Fairy “forgets” to drop by.
Ninja, for sure. In fact, I told my son I was a ninja before I had him. He
believed me for a while!
On a slightly more relevant note, what were your favorite
cartoons (or comics) growing up?
Norine: Doonesbury, Bloom County (SO glad it’s back!), The Far Side, Life in Hell, Bugs
Bunny. I’m totally indebted
to Bugs for my early classical music education. To this day, I can’t hear Wagner without thinking, Kill
the wabbit! Kill the rabbit!
I was surrounded my New Yorker cartoon collections and cartoonist’s books as a kid. Some of them
were baffling! I’m pretty
sure I really learned to read via Peanuts cartoon books from my elementary
school library. Bloom County and Calvin and Hobbes were big favorites as I got
Would you buy a sweater covered in kitten pictures? Would you
wear it if someone gave it to you for free?
Norine: I absolutely adore cats. There are three vying for
sprawl space on my desk right now. But I would have to wake up naked … with
amnesia … in Times Square before putting a kitten sweater on.
I would buy it for a costume, but not for any other reason. I also would wear
it if it were given to me as part of a costume. Other than that? Nah.
Do you swear in front of your parents? What is your favorite

Jessica: Oh
sure. My parents are pretty liberal. I probably don’t let the Fucks fly as often in front of my mom. Motherfucker
is probably the one that trips off my tongue quickest if I’m pissed.
Have you ever experienced “serendipity” in action? In other
words, what is the most randomly wonderful thing that has ever happened to/for
Norine: The most randomly wonderful thing? I’d have to say running into a former flame
at our 10-year college reunion. We couldn’t quite make it work at school, and I’d always regretted that. Seeing him at our
reunion rekindled all of those romantic feelings. We started dating again, long
distance too, because I lived in New York City and he lived in Las Vegas. But
now it’s nearly 20 years
later and we’re married with
a 9-year-old son. So that’s
pretty wonderful. Who knows how my life would have turned out if we hadn’t both shown up on that Memorial
Day weekend in 1998.

Norine Dworkin-McDaniel and Jessica Ziegler are the co-creators
of Science of Parenthood. Their book, Science
of Parenthood: Thoroughly Unscientific Explanations for Utterly Baffling
Parenting Situations was published by She Writes Press in
Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.
Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.
this is cute! love it!